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401k Administration

... a full-service relationship

In addition to the technical superior prototype Qualified Plans we offer, we can provide full administration services for your Qualified Plans.

While Qualified Plans are valuable service and can be significant source of large, long term deposits, we know that they can also be a source of anxiety for financial institutions.

We are committed to working with you to make Qualified Plans a real asset to your Institution. The IRS is well aware that retirement plans mean large deposits, large deductions and the potential for abuse by employers.

The IRS requires strict record keeping and reporting to prevent abuses, protect employees and collect proper taxes.

Whether you need a SEP, profit sharing plan, money purchase plan, or a 401(k) plan, CWF can provide you with not only and IRS-approved plan, but all of the supporting services including forms, consulting, education, Qualified Plan Procedures Manual, as well as full administrative services.

  • Qualified Plan Administrative Services offered
  • Prepare participant statements annually or as instructed by institution, trial balances, Schedule P, 5498 and 1099-R reporting, 70½ reports, magnetic media reporting if necessary
  • Prepare an annual trust summary
  • Prepare IRS Form 5500-C/R/EZ and related schedules
  • Prepare summary annual reports
  • Advise which employees are eligible
  • Prepare participant benefit statements upon request
  • Prepare the summary plan description
  • Maintain separate account balances for each participant
  • Calculate the benefits for participants who retire or terminate
  • Apply the various ADP and other discrimination tests


Please call our customer service representatives
if you have any questions regarding the QP Administration.
You can reach us at 800-346-3961.



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